Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sharing is Caring

Ohh how I have been slacking on the running front. But no fear - I've been handling other things. My sickness, for instance. Remember in my last log how I mentioned my sore throat? Welllll.. that sore throat quickly became swollen glands, swollen sinuses, and snot. flying. everywhere. But after a not-so-conventional bout of R&R, I'm back to my normal self with minimal flying snot. Who knew 5 hours of sleep in two nights (combined) and a tiny little appetite for 3 days could make one feel better?!

So now I'm back at it - life, that is - but I haven't pounded any pavement just yet. By Sunday, I was feeling better, but like I said, running on very little sleep and had to work for the better half of the day. Yesterday was spent in class and at work for a combination of 14 hours, so that left little time and energy for a run. Today's outlook has a LOT of studying and researching and homework completing involved, but a possible R&R-run after work!

Okay, onto bigger and better things. I have a few things to share with you that have found their ways to me over the past few days!

First, check out this race/relay/adventure!! I got an e-mail about this awesome event through www.mapmyrun.com, researched it a little more, and really got excited! It's not something I would do any time soon, but it sounds like a GREAT addition to my bucket list!

Check out these quick facts about this race - 200 miles, over 2 days and 1 night, 6 to 12 runners per team, each runner running 3 legs, in the most beautiful parts of the country, "slumber party without sleep, pillows, or deodorant!"

Can you IMAGINE?! Ah! Props to ANYONE brave enough and awesome enough to take on this challenge! I'll be running with you someday! 

I also found this over the weekend while Pinning..

..and it just spoke to me. I often have to face my fears when I go out for a run. I've never been one to take disappointment or failure (not even near-failure) lightly. In one way, this makes me powerful; I don't take "no" for an answer and I don't back down when confronted with a problem. But in another way, I have my doubts when facing something that I could possibly fail at. Running, for example. I've never been the natural-born run-forever type. It doesn't come naturally to me and I have to fight every step of the way. If you remember, my last run kicked my ass and it shouldn't have. With that stuck in my brain, I've been a bit reluctant to go out and try it again for fear that I'll fail again. But that's when I need to remember this idea that "everything [I] want is on the other side of fear." Most things that matter are

We just have to face it before it defines us.

And that's all she wrote. Onto studying, eating, working, and hopefully running!  
Happy Day!

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